Do you have ancestors from the beautiful village of Dunster, in Somerset?
A one-place study differs from a traditional village history in that it looks at the lives of ordinary residents. Who lived in the village? Were they born there? Did they move into the village? If so, why and from where? If they left the village, where did they go to and why? What trades did the inhabitants undertake? I will be adding transcribed records (current project is the village hospital) and other insights into the lives of Dunster’s historical inhabitants as time permits.
I’ve researched the stories of the men named on Dunster’s war memorial plaques and produced a booklet for the WW1 centenary. I have collected some rare (and not so rare) old postcards and magic lantern slides of Dunster, which I plan to add to this website. I’m researching what Dunster would have been like during the time my ancestors lived there, focusing on some of the lesser documented, more people-focused aspects of historical village life.
I first came across the beautiful village of Dunster when I travelled to Somerset for a family history trip. My Thomas ancestors were from Dunster, and I was keen to visit the wonderful village I’d seen in old postcards. As I turned the corner into the village, I realised that no picture could do it justice! I have been fascinated by Dunster ever since. If you have Dunster ancestors, please don’t hesitate to get in touch!
“History remembers only the celebrated, genealogy remembers them all.”
Laurence Overmire